Thursday, January 29, 2009

Precalculus Assignment 1/29

First, make sure you've finnished the home work I assigned Friday (that is to make up your own "variation" problem like the ones we've been working on in class -- thanks for sending me yours Isha)

Next I have a challenge for you. I want you to think about the following:

a) f(x)=f(-x)
b) f(x)=-f(-x)
c) f(x)=f(x+5)

The first two you should find something like in your note from the past week. The last you haven't seen before.

In each case you are given some information about a function (assume its a different function in each case). You are not told exactly what the function is, just given some information about it. What I want you to do is think about how each function might look when graphed...again, you can't know specifically, but the information you are given does tell you something important about the picture in each case. Your task is to draw the graph of a function that might fit the info given in each case (so you'll have three graphs). As I have said the first two you should find in your notes. The last is a challenge.

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