Thursday, January 8, 2009


Solutions for work assigned on 1/6/2009
Oil Spill

2.  You can do this in several different ways:  If you choose the flow rate at the beginning of each hour to calculate the oil spilled in that hour you should get 2140 gallons.  This method is illustrated in the graph above

3.  By my method I over estimate how much oil spills.  For the first few hours and the last few, the estimate is pretty good.  In the middle, the flow rate drops very quickly so my estimate is pretty bad (make sure you understand why this is so).
4.  Mid-hour flow rates, especially for the middle group of hours.

Can the car stop in time?
1.  Calculate the minimum distance by using the speed at the end of each 2s interval to calculate the distance during that interval. You should get 184 ft.
2.  Calculate the maximum distance by using the speed at the Beginning of each 2s interval to calculate the distance during that interval.  You should get 304 ft.
3.  Probably. The maximum estimate on the distance traveled doesn't miss the deer but it comes close.  The actual distance traveled probably does miss the deer.
4.  Calculate the maximum estimate on the distance should find its less than 300 so the driver does miss the deer.

The blue line is the plot of the data
given, the red line represents the
maximum estimate and the yellow
line, the maximum estimate.

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